My name is Claude and I am a psychosynthesis life coach, holistic counselor and teacher. My purpose is to help my clients grow into their true Self while achieving their goals and navigating life's challenges.
Originally from Switzerland I speak French, German and English, but I believe that the main language we need to learn is the one of our soul.
Working with people in different cultures and countries for over 30 years, in private setting, education, and corporate environment, gave me a direct understanding of the difficulties we all face in our personal and work environments: what it takes to communicate and interact with each other and what internal and external conflicts and dilemmas it creates. Those personal experiences lead me to focus my work on communication, stress, anxiety, relationships, life transitions and on the integration of who we are as human beings.
In my free time I explore and expand my life through art, dance, writing, yoga as well as by spending time in nature, cooking, and nurturing the people I love in my life. As for my own inner blossoming, I keep my curiosity open by connecting with strangers of all walks of life when traveling the small and big roads of this amazing world.
Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC) • Synthesis Center San Francisco
Certified in Clinical Imagery and Meditation (CMI) • New York Psychosynthesis Institute
Certified Holistic Health Counselor (HHC) • The Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Certified Usui Reiki Practitioner • Jule-Erina van Calker, Berlin, Germany
Degree in Graphic Design (CFC) • Ecole des Arts Décoratifs, Geneva, Switzerland
Additional Studies & Practices
Interactive Guided Meditation • Jack Kornfield
Huntington Method • Richard Schaub & Bonney Gulinno Schaub
FeinForm Yoga • Reanna Feinberg
SkyDancing Tantra • Margo Anand
Tarot • Rachel Pollack - I miss you Rachel, R.I.P.
AAP • Association for Advancement of Psychosynthesis
ICF • International Coaching Federation
Relevant Volunteer Experiences
AAP • Webinar: Embracing the Empty Space
AAP • Quarterly Magazine Editor
Berrett Koelher Foundation • Leadership Exchange Design Team
Berrett Koelher Foundation • Experiential Exchange Program
Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha • Board Member
The most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with your Self. Nurture it and allow it blossom!