What is the Higher Self?
Updated: 4 days ago

In my previous blog post I mentioned the relationship to the Higher Self as an important component of psychosynthesis.
Throughout the ages and cultures, the Higher Self has been called many names: the Holy Spirit, the Transpersonal Self and the Soul among others. I’ve noticed that some people think that their Higher Self is also another name for God, the Divine, or the Great Mystery but, when looking at the psychosynthesis egg diagram, I believe this is a misunderstanding.
Some people associate their Higher Self with nature because being in nature gives them a sense of inner peace and a space to connect with themselves in a deeper and soulful way. But is nature the Higher Self? No, it is not, because the Higher Self is a part of who we are as human beings. Each human being has their own Higher Self, and while nature is not our Higher Self, to be in nature is one of the many ways to connect to our Higher Self.
What makes it so hard to define the Higher Self is that it is a concept without a specific shape making it easy to have our own individual interpretation. However, one thing is the same for everybody, when connected to the Higher Self, we all have an experience of peace, love, goodness, flow, clarity, acceptance, a sense of alignment with our higher values. Also, a larger understanding, discernment and creativity emerge out of experiencing that connection.
Since language is an important part of my work, I would describe the Higher Self as a translator, or an interpreter, whose work is to help communication between human beings and the force we could call the Great Mystery, the Divine or God. The Higher Self uses multiple languages specific to each of us, to help us understand the higher wisdom and guidance coming from a connective force one could call God, among other names. Of course, as human beings, we too need to learn the language of the Higher Self.

Anyone who connects and experiences the language of the Divine through their Higher Self knows that that relationship is extremely important and deeply personal while, at the same time, feels universal. But as human beings we tend to forget that we need to practice that language and continue to learn, nurture and maintain it in order for our connection to remain alive. Everyone who ever learned a foreign language and doesn’t practice it knows how easy it is to forget it.
The analogy of the Higher Self as translator also reminds me that when we travel or move to a foreign speaking country we easily feel lost and fearful since we don’t understand the language. But when we have an interpreter with us, or when we become more proficient in the language, everything feels easier. We can start to relax, we can better understand and connect with others, and we become part of a larger world simply because we understand the language. So, when we connect to the Higher Self and through it become more fluent in the language of our Higher Power, we become citizens of the universe as a whole.
One part of my work is to facilitate and teach ways to listen to and communicate with your Higher Self, so that you can become fluent in those languages and can understand that true voice and guidance. I believe that one of our main tasks on this earth is to grow and blossom into the best human beings we can be, while deepening our relationship with the Great Mystery that allows us to belong and feel connected to everything. When that connection is established and integrated, our goodness and authenticity shine and we are better able to function as a whole human being in the world.
I look forward to meeting with you again soon, and if you have any comments or questions, feel free to connect. It will be my pleasure to hear from you.
Wishing you a delightful rest of the day.